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Latin Proverbs - page 73
Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper.
Latin Proverb
How much do we resemble that filthy brute the ape.
Latin Proverb
Hunger is the best cook.
Latin Proverb
One man excels in one thing, another in another.
Latin Proverb
Opportunity only knocks once.
Latin Proverb
Idleness ruins the constitution.
Latin Proverb
One hour to-day is worth two to-morrow.
Latin Proverb
Into the mouth of a bad dog falls many a good bone.
Latin Proverb
It flies at our approach but follows us as we retire.
Latin Proverb
No day should pass without something being done.
Latin Proverb
It is all over: I may as well go and hand myself.
Latin Proverb
Nature is our mother.
Latin Proverb
More blind than the cast-off skin of a serpent.
Latin Proverb
It is sweet and meritorious to die for one's country.
Latin Proverb
Misfortunes make friends.
Latin Proverb
It's an ill wind that blows no one any good.
Latin Proverb
Make every bargain clear and plain, that none may afterwards complain.
Latin Proverb
Know you not that kings have long arms?
Latin Proverb
Let the devil never find you unoccupied.
Latin Proverb
In wine there is truth.
Latin Proverb
By valor and arms. [Virtute et armis.].
Latin Proverb
A drunken man, when asleep, is better left alone. [Let a slumbering evil rest where it is.].
Latin Proverb