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Latin Proverbs - page 72
Friends have all things in common.
Latin Proverb
From his silence a man's consent is inferred.
Latin Proverb
The gladiator seeks advice, when in the very lists.
Latin Proverb
From the miseries of others he fears for his own position.
Latin Proverb
Gold is proved by fire.
Latin Proverb
Grieve not for that which is irreparably lost.
Latin Proverb
Had he not been visited by sickness, he would have perished utterly.
Latin Proverb
Haste manages all things badly.
Latin Proverb
Having achieved your purpose, seek not to undo what has been done.
Latin Proverb
Submission to one wrong brings on another.
Latin Proverb
He has sprung up like a mushroom.
Latin Proverb
He is a fool who spares the children after having killed the father.
Latin Proverb
Spur not a willing horse.
Latin Proverb
He knows the roads by which he has escaped before.
Latin Proverb
He ploughs the land of others, and leaves his own untilled.
Latin Proverb
Sincerity gives wings to power.
Latin Proverb
Small things have their own peculiar charm.
Latin Proverb
He that gives bad counsel suffers most by it.
Latin Proverb
He utters in his language something different from what he ponders in his mind.
Latin Proverb
Reason is absent, when impulse rules.
Latin Proverb
He who owes nothing fears not the sheriff's officer.
Latin Proverb
Property is robbery.
Latin Proverb