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Latin Proverbs - page 71
Do not lengthen the quarrel while there is an opportunity of escaping.
Latin Proverb
Don't draw another's bow, don't ride another's horse, don't mind another's business.
Latin Proverb
There is no wise response to a foolish remark.
Latin Proverb
There is nothing to be gained by buying inferior goods.
Latin Proverb
Double charging will break a cannon.
Latin Proverb
The test of merit is success.
Latin Proverb
The warnings of age are the weapons of youth.
Latin Proverb
Eloquence avails nothing against the voice of gold.
Latin Proverb
Emulation begets emulation.
Latin Proverb
The reward of a thing rightly done is to have done it.
Latin Proverb
Even a hare will insult a dead lion.
Latin Proverb
Even the rustling of leaves will alarm the hare.
Latin Proverb
Every great thing only consists of many small particles united.
Latin Proverb
Every reproach against an accused man is contemptible.
Latin Proverb
Fain would the cat fish eat, But she is loth to wet her feet.
Latin Proverb
Favours should never be forced upon others against their will.
Latin Proverb
Fetters of gold are still fetters, and silken cords pinch.
Latin Proverb
The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation.
Latin Proverb
The misfortune of the foolish is a warning to the wise.
Latin Proverb
Find a cruel man and you see a coward.
Latin Proverb
For the last comer the bones.
Latin Proverb
The highest tree hath the greatest fall.
Latin Proverb