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Latin Proverbs - page 70
All are not harpers, who hold the harp.
Latin Proverb
All things are possible with God.
Latin Proverb
An ape is an ape, though decked with gold.
Latin Proverb
What will not performance achieve?
Latin Proverb
An evil doer abhors the light of day.
Latin Proverb
An old lion is better than a young ass.
Latin Proverb
An opportunity is found with difficulty and easily lost.
Latin Proverb
What has benefited one has destroyed others.
Latin Proverb
What is lighter than a feather? Dust. What lighter than dust? Wind. What lighter than the wind? A harlot. What lighter than a harlot? Nothing.
Latin Proverb
As you have arranged the thread so must you weave it.
Latin Proverb
We must not expect everything, everywhere, and from everybody.
Latin Proverb
We expiate in old age the follies of our youth.
Latin Proverb
We hate whom we have injured.
Latin Proverb
Believe not that the stream is shallow because its surface is smooth.
Latin Proverb
Vengeance is slow, but stern.
Latin Proverb
Better late than never.
Latin Proverb
Truth becomes lost in the turmoil of arguments.
Latin Proverb
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
Latin Proverb
Too much care may be as bad as downright negligence.
Latin Proverb
Trifles often lead to serious results.
Latin Proverb
By writing you learn to write.
Latin Proverb
Time reveals all things.
Latin Proverb