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Latin Proverbs - page 7
Turn it inside and out.
Latin Proverb
Honey-tongued, soft spoken, malicious, and unprincipled in conduct.
Latin Proverb
It is safer to irritate a dog than an old woman.
Latin Proverb
Where freedom is, there shall my country be.
Latin Proverb
Where art is displayed truth does not appear.
Latin Proverb
There is a season for all things.
Latin Proverb
To have no wants, is money.
Latin Proverb
When the head acheth, all the body is the worse.
Latin Proverb
Shrouds have no pockets.
Latin Proverb
When a man's mode of life is contemptible, it follows that his preaching is treated with contempt.
Latin Proverb
There is danger when a dog has once tasted flesh.
Latin Proverb
The act itself does not constitute a crime, unless the intent be criminal.
Latin Proverb
To relax the mind is to lose it.
Latin Proverb
Every virtue is but halfway between two vices.
Latin Proverb
How quickly with all is a kindness forgotten!
Latin Proverb
Honourable words by the bushel!
Latin Proverb
Home is home, as the Devil said when he found himself in the Court of Session.
Latin Proverb
To remove the hairs from a horse's tail, one by one must be plucked out.
Latin Proverb
The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.
Latin Proverb
There is a time when nothing should be said, there is a time when some things may be said. but there is indeed no time in which everything can be said.
Latin Proverb
Our neighbour's crop is always more fruitful and his cattle produce more milk than our own.
Latin Proverb
Never speak in a hurry.
Latin Proverb