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Latin Proverbs - page 63
Time has a forelock, but is bald behind.
Latin Proverb
They look at the greens, but steal the bacon.
Latin Proverb
The great elephant of India cares not for a gnat.
Latin Proverb
Often there is eloquence in a silent gaze.
Latin Proverb
You let the cat out of the bag.
Latin Proverb
You bring your own evil deeds to light.
Latin Proverb
Wine hath drowned more men than the sea.
Latin Proverb
What! you a hare, and ask for hare-pie!
Latin Proverb
We must live as we can, not as we would wish.
Latin Proverb
The naming of one man amounts to the exclusion of another.
Latin Proverb
The law is hard, but it is the law.
Latin Proverb
The chamber of sickness is the chapel of devotion.
Latin Proverb
Riches fall not always to the lot of the most deserving.
Latin Proverb
Promises, like pie crust, are made to be broken.
Latin Proverb
Often a silent face has voice and words.
Latin Proverb
You will mix what is sacred with what is profane.
Latin Proverb
You know not what the evening may bring with it.
Latin Proverb
Wickedness with beauty is the devil's hook baited.
Latin Proverb
We lose the certain things, while we seek the uncertain ones.
Latin Proverb
They give, to find a pretext for asking.
Latin Proverb
The post of honor is the post of danger.
Latin Proverb
The grape is not ripened by the rays of the moon.
Latin Proverb