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Latin Proverbs - page 62
Unless what we do is useful, glory is vain.
Latin Proverb
To whom is he any good, if he is no good to himself?
Latin Proverb
To be in love and act wisely is scarcely granted to a god.
Latin Proverb
The times are changing; we too are changing with them.
Latin Proverb
The rat betrayed by his own track perishes.
Latin Proverb
The miller sees not every wave that flows.
Latin Proverb
The habits of our youth accompany us in our old age.
Latin Proverb
The old parrot does not mind the stick.
Latin Proverb
The cobbler to his last and the gunner to his linstock.
Latin Proverb
Some small spark may yet by chance lie hidden.
Latin Proverb
Rumour grows easily enough, but is not easily silenced.
Latin Proverb
Providence may delay, but punishment will come at length.
Latin Proverb
Over no home can the sign be hung: There is no trouble here.
Latin Proverb
No sooner said than done.
Latin Proverb
One poison is cured by another.
Latin Proverb
Power is strengthened by union.
Latin Proverb
Prudence availeth more than strength.
Latin Proverb
Shirk work and you will want bread.
Latin Proverb
Take counsel of your pillow.
Latin Proverb
The master's eye makes the horse fat.
Latin Proverb
Truth conquers all things.
Latin Proverb
What everybody says must be true.
Latin Proverb