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Latin Proverbs - page 61
No man acquires perfection all at once.
Latin Proverb
Once a priest, always a priest.
Latin Proverb
Strange sins, strange punishments.
Latin Proverb
Thank 'ee for nothing.
Latin Proverb
The conqueror weeps, the conquered is ruined.
Latin Proverb
We can accustom ourselves to anything.
Latin Proverb
The gifts of fortune do not always benefit us.
Latin Proverb
The bitch in her haste brings forth blind puppies.
Latin Proverb
Pursue that course which offers most advantages, habit will soon make it agreeable and easy.
Latin Proverb
While between two stools my tail go to the ground.
Latin Proverb
When an observation by joke is true, it is out of place and ill-natured.
Latin Proverb
We should eat to live, not live to eat.
Latin Proverb
To win a war quickly takes long preparation.
Latin Proverb
There is no remedy against the bite of a secret slanderer.
Latin Proverb
The mind is best taught with a sharp whip.
Latin Proverb
The credit got by a lie lasts only till the truth comes out.
Latin Proverb
That which is good for the back is bad for the head.
Latin Proverb
Seek not the luxuries of life lest you reap sorrow.
Latin Proverb
One bird in the hand is worth four in the air.
Latin Proverb
You may know a lion by his claw.
Latin Proverb
You give hay to the dog and bones to the ass.
Latin Proverb
With his own weapon do I stab him.
Latin Proverb