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Latin Proverbs - page 6
By fair means or foul.
Latin Proverb
Away with grieving, only fit for women.
Latin Proverb
Nobility without wealth is more worthless than the seaweed which the tide has left.
Latin Proverb
If you sit on a seat, and that seat is a comfortable seat, sit on that seat, and do not leave that seat.
Latin Proverb
Hypocritical piety is double iniquity.
Latin Proverb
Honour's onerous.
Latin Proverb
If you are contented with your lot, you will live wisely.
Latin Proverb
Keep your own counsel.
Latin Proverb
Let there be light.
Latin Proverb
Late repentance is rarely sincere.
Latin Proverb
It is often better to go by a circuitous than by a direct path.
Latin Proverb
Keep adding little by little and you will soon have a big hoard.
Latin Proverb
If you strike a goad with your fist, your hand will suffer most.
Latin Proverb
I am in a place where three ways meet.
Latin Proverb
His wit got wings and would have flown, But poverty still kept him down.
Latin Proverb
Hope supports men in distress.
Latin Proverb
Tis wisdom sometimes to seem a fool.
Latin Proverb
Who loves me loves my dog.
Latin Proverb
Jokes, which carry injury with them, are never agreeable.
Latin Proverb
The same failings attach not to all.
Latin Proverb
Some sow, others read.
Latin Proverb
Try to deserve the reputation you enjoy.
Latin Proverb