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Latin Proverbs - page 59
Providential aid at a critical moment.
Latin Proverb
Speak not against the dead.
Latin Proverb
Success or ruin.
Latin Proverb
Virtue, which parleys, is near a surrender.
Latin Proverb
Wear not out your welcome.
Latin Proverb
Words pay no debts.
Latin Proverb
You attack a horned animal.
Latin Proverb
One man's meat is another man's poison.
Latin Proverb
Pain mingles with pleasure.
Latin Proverb
Re-open not a wound once healed.
Latin Proverb
Spring succeeds to winter.
Latin Proverb
Summer will not last for ever.
Latin Proverb
The best things in life are free.
Latin Proverb
The excess of mirth leads to tears.
Latin Proverb
Things past cannot be recalled.
Latin Proverb
What does the tortoise care for flies?
Latin Proverb
Work makes the workman.
Latin Proverb
The bear, he never can prevail To lion it for want of tail.
Latin Proverb
See that in avoiding cinders you step not on burning coals.
Latin Proverb
Providence tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.
Latin Proverb
Perhaps you will soon find another, and a fairer, lover.
Latin Proverb
One against whom accusations when made are easily believed.
Latin Proverb