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Latin Proverbs - page 57
The hand that gives gathers.
Latin Proverb
The swift are overtaken by the slow.
Latin Proverb
They fight with tweezers, not swords.
Latin Proverb
Too much consulting confounds.
Latin Proverb
We give and take in turn.
Latin Proverb
Winter never rots in the sky.
Latin Proverb
You are but sowing in sand.
Latin Proverb
You reap the crop of another.
Latin Proverb
One fool makes many.
Latin Proverb
Preserve the guns, but destroy the gunners.
Latin Proverb
Rare is agreement between beauty and modesty.
Latin Proverb
Satires run faster than panegyrics.
Latin Proverb
Sorrow and ill weather come unsent for.
Latin Proverb
Stupidity is a force unto itself.
Latin Proverb
That which is violent never lasts long.
Latin Proverb
The crab would catch the hare!
Latin Proverb
They fought with varying success.
Latin Proverb
You tell a tale to a dead man.
Latin Proverb
When one dog barks, another will follow suit.
Latin Proverb
What the law will compel you to do, do of your own free will.
Latin Proverb
Wealth not acquired by our own labours, but inherited.
Latin Proverb
We lessen our wants by lessening our desires.
Latin Proverb