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Latin Proverbs - page 51
In time of prosperity consider how you will bear adversity.
Latin Proverb
I too am not powerless, and my weapons strike hard.
Latin Proverb
He who is in love with himself need fear no rival.
Latin Proverb
He is unworthy of life who gives no life to another.
Latin Proverb
He does not show a decent quality even over a good dinner.
Latin Proverb
No man has a worse friend than he brings with him from home.
Latin Proverb
Listen to that which is openly and seriously spoken.
Latin Proverb
It is not to be argued that the abuse of a thing proves that it is useless.
Latin Proverb
It is easier to win good luck than to retain it.
Latin Proverb
It is a bad action that success cannot justify.
Latin Proverb
In the snare laid for others is your foot taken.
Latin Proverb
If it pleases you, it does not displease me.
Latin Proverb
He who is first in time has the prior right.
Latin Proverb
He who cannot even manage a yacht asks for a ship of burthen!
Latin Proverb
He giveth twice who giveth in a trice.
Latin Proverb
He dies twice who perishes by his own hand.
Latin Proverb
If ifs and ands were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers.
Latin Proverb
Learning has sour roots, but pleasant fruits.
Latin Proverb
Men who have no religion, no honour.
Latin Proverb
Most haste, worst speed.
Latin Proverb
Never refuse a good offer.
Latin Proverb
He sings his own praises.
Latin Proverb