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Latin Proverbs - page 49
Lust of power is the strongest of all passions.
Latin Proverb
Let us be judged of by our actions.
Latin Proverb
It is the duty of friends mutually to correct each other.
Latin Proverb
Instead of a fish he gives you a scorpion.
Latin Proverb
In chatter a river, in understanding but a single drop.
Latin Proverb
Live not beyond your means.
Latin Proverb
Mistakes are to be pardoned.
Latin Proverb
Necessity is a strong weapon.
Latin Proverb
Even a hair hath its shadow.
Latin Proverb
From trifling causes great results arise.
Latin Proverb
He is consumed by a vain hope.
Latin Proverb
He travels fastest who travels alone.
Latin Proverb
Hunger sharpens anger.
Latin Proverb
If poor, act with caution.
Latin Proverb
Everything has its season.
Latin Proverb
Fire is next akin to smoke.
Latin Proverb
Frugality is a great revenue.
Latin Proverb
Hay smells different to lovers and horses.
Latin Proverb
It hangs by a hair.
Latin Proverb
Let them laugh that win.
Latin Proverb
Lost time is never found again.
Latin Proverb
Frugality is an estate alone.
Latin Proverb