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Latin Proverbs - page 48
How you come by it no one asks; but wealth you must have.
Latin Proverb
He who has tried it, is afraid of it.
Latin Proverb
He gets his wisdom cheaply who gets it at another's cost.
Latin Proverb
Now my resources are reduced to a narrow compass.
Latin Proverb
No one is a fool always, every one sometimes.
Latin Proverb
Music induces more madness in many than wine.
Latin Proverb
It's a well-known fact, dirt stinks more when stirred.
Latin Proverb
It is no business of mine; may it go to the devil!
Latin Proverb
It is a solace to the miserable to have a companion in their grief.
Latin Proverb
If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors--Rest, cheerfulness, and moderate diet.
Latin Proverb
He'd skin a louse, and send the hide and fat to market.
Latin Proverb
He who sins when drunk will have to atone for it when sober.
Latin Proverb
Mad desire, when it has the most, longs for more.
Latin Proverb
Let a fool hold his tongue, and he will pass for a sage.
Latin Proverb
It is no advantage for a man in fever to change his bed.
Latin Proverb
It is better to say nothing than not enough.
Latin Proverb
Instead of a treasure, coals!
Latin Proverb
In courtship a man pursues a woman until she catches him.
Latin Proverb
He who has plenty of pepper may season his food as he likes.
Latin Proverb
He that would live for aye, must eat sage in May.
Latin Proverb
He makes his home where the living is best.
Latin Proverb
He is but a poor husbandman, who sows in sand.
Latin Proverb