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Latin Proverbs - page 46
Like priest, like people.
Latin Proverb
Mad drunkenness discloses every secret.
Latin Proverb
Music is the handmaid of divinity.
Latin Proverb
After darkness comes light.
Latin Proverb
An excess of caution does no harm.
Latin Proverb
Compete not with a friend.
Latin Proverb
A miser's son is generally a spendthrift.
Latin Proverb
A soft-spoken compliment is honied poison.
Latin Proverb
An inquisitive man is always ill-natured.
Latin Proverb
By good means or bad.
Latin Proverb
Dawn is the friend of the muses.
Latin Proverb
Of no worldly good can the joy be perfect, unless it is shared by a friend.
Latin Proverb
Mere intentions are not to be esteemed as actions.
Latin Proverb
Man is himself the author of every sorrow he endures.
Latin Proverb
Lions in time of peace; deer in war.
Latin Proverb
It is not easy to bear prosperity unruffled.
Latin Proverb
It is an honourable thing to be accused by those who are open to accusation.
Latin Proverb
In the midst of our mirth some annoyance always arises to vex us.
Latin Proverb
He does not think milk-and-water of himself.
Latin Proverb
He makes a lion of a mouse.
Latin Proverb
He who follows two hares loses both.
Latin Proverb
It is never too late to learn.
Latin Proverb