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Latin Proverbs - page 45
Either Caesar, or nobody.
Latin Proverb
A pestilence follows a famine.
Latin Proverb
A trifling pledge of no small friendship.
Latin Proverb
An old woman would dance!
Latin Proverb
A dissimilarity of pursuits dissolves friendship.
Latin Proverb
A triple rope is not easily broken.
Latin Proverb
All lay load on the willing horse.
Latin Proverb
An onion will not produce a rose.
Latin Proverb
By speedy, not by slow measures.
Latin Proverb
From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honours.
Latin Proverb
Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.
Latin Proverb
Do as I say, not as I do.
Latin Proverb
But now I was a rich man, three things have left me bare; dice, wine, and women, these three have made me poor.
Latin Proverb
From one you may judge of the whole.
Latin Proverb
Every man judges of others by himself.
Latin Proverb
Far from Jupiter, far from his thunder.
Latin Proverb
Fortune favors fools.
Latin Proverb
Give ear and weigh the matter well.
Latin Proverb
Hope sustains the farmer.
Latin Proverb
Hard cases make bad law.
Latin Proverb
Help by actions, not by words.
Latin Proverb
Hopes delayed hang the heart upon tenter-hooks.
Latin Proverb