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Latin Proverbs - page 44
Drunkenness makes some men fools, some beasts, and some devils.
Latin Proverb
By what servant is his master better loved than by his dog?
Latin Proverb
As numerous as the leaves of the oak, or the waves which wash the island.
Latin Proverb
An evil gain is equal to a loss.
Latin Proverb
All is in vain unless Providence is with us.
Latin Proverb
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Latin Proverb
Hard is the path from poverty to renown.
Latin Proverb
Give wine to them that are in sorrow.
Latin Proverb
Every soil does not bear the same fruit.
Latin Proverb
All flute-players are mad; when once they begin to blow, away goes reason.
Latin Proverb
A wise man turns chance into good fortune.
Latin Proverb
Fortune smiles on the brave, and frowns upon the coward.
Latin Proverb
A great anvil fears not noise.
Latin Proverb
A mouse may help a lion.
Latin Proverb
Alas! I suffer from self-inflicted wounds!
Latin Proverb
Beware the tyranny of the minority.
Latin Proverb
By hook or by crook.
Latin Proverb
A contented man is always rich.
Latin Proverb
All claim kindred with the prosperous.
Latin Proverb
Death cancels everything but truth.
Latin Proverb
Either by might or by sleight.
Latin Proverb
A contented mind is a continual feast.
Latin Proverb