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Latin Proverbs - page 43
A small gift, but well-timed.
Latin Proverb
After clouds sunshine.
Latin Proverb
An evil comes from a neighbouring evil.
Latin Proverb
Envy never has a holiday.
Latin Proverb
A combined defence is the safest.
Latin Proverb
A good dog deserves a good bone.
Latin Proverb
A middle course is the safest.
Latin Proverb
Even the fear of death is dispelled by music.
Latin Proverb
Bring not a bagpipe to a man in trouble.
Latin Proverb
All that meal comes not from your own sack.
Latin Proverb
A woman for a general, and the soldiers will be women.
Latin Proverb
A suspicious mind sees everything on the dark side.
Latin Proverb
God will be present, whether asked or not.
Latin Proverb
Fire, water, and government know nothing of mercy.
Latin Proverb
Early, not late remedies are the most effective.
Latin Proverb
Despise not the weak: the gnat stings the eyes of the lion.
Latin Proverb
Harsh is the voice which would dismiss us, but sweet is the sound of welcome.
Latin Proverb
God sends meat, but the Devil sends cooks.
Latin Proverb
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
Latin Proverb
Both are the better for their mutual friendship.
Latin Proverb
An idle youth becomes in age a beggar.
Latin Proverb
Hard things alone will not make a wall.
Latin Proverb