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Latin Proverbs - page 39
A dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone.
Latin Proverb
A nod for a wise man, and a rod for a fool.
Latin Proverb
A man is judged of by his companions.
Latin Proverb
A man is a king in his own house.
Latin Proverb
A great dowry, a bed full of brambles.
Latin Proverb
A bad father has never a good son.
Latin Proverb
A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.
Latin Proverb
A dog as he sleeps barks as if on the track of the hare.
Latin Proverb
A mouse will put the finishing stroke to a castle wall.
Latin Proverb
A mouse relies not solely on one hole.
Latin Proverb
A plank in a wreck.
Latin Proverb
A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Latin Proverb
All power is impatient of a partner.
Latin Proverb
Death is the great leveller.
Latin Proverb
Empty expressions. Bombast.
Latin Proverb
A biting cur wears a torn skin.
Latin Proverb
A bow too much bent is broken.
Latin Proverb
A busybody is always malevolent.
Latin Proverb
A carpenter is known by his chips.
Latin Proverb
A beardless boy would teach old men!
Latin Proverb
A beaten track is a safe one.
Latin Proverb
Anxious about the shoe, but disregarding the foot.
Latin Proverb