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Latin Proverbs - page 33
Not words but knocks.
Latin Proverb
Nothing can exist long without occasional rest.
Latin Proverb
Nothing comes of nothing.
Latin Proverb
Nothing dries sooner than tears.
Latin Proverb
Nothing is grievous which necessity enjoins.
Latin Proverb
Nothing prevails against wealth.
Latin Proverb
Immortal glory waits on talent.
Latin Proverb
In avoiding Charybdis, he falls into Scylla.
Latin Proverb
In prosperity look out for squalls.
Latin Proverb
In the great sea fish is always to be caught.
Latin Proverb
In the very act of committing an offence.
Latin Proverb
In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty, In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty.
Latin Proverb
No man commands ably unless he has himself obeyed discipline.
Latin Proverb
No man ever became wicked all at once.
Latin Proverb
No man grieves long unless by his own fault.
Latin Proverb
No man is contented with his lot in this life.
Latin Proverb
No man is his craft's master the first day.
Latin Proverb
No man is impatient with his creditors.
Latin Proverb
No one in a shabby coat is treated with respect.
Latin Proverb
Indulge not in boisterous mirth.
Latin Proverb
Into every life a little rain must fall.
Latin Proverb
It flies gently, but wounds deeply.
Latin Proverb