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Latin Proverbs - page 32
If he should ask for wine, box his ears.
Latin Proverb
If I wrestle with a filthy thing, win or lose, I shall be defiled.
Latin Proverb
If the head aches all the members of the body suffer.
Latin Proverb
If the lion's skin falls short, piece it out with that of the fox.
Latin Proverb
If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.
Latin Proverb
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character.
Latin Proverb
Nothing reaches the intellect before making its appearance in the senses.
Latin Proverb
Nourish the whelps of a wolf!
Latin Proverb
Novelty always appears handsome.
Latin Proverb
Now it rains, and again the sun shines forth brightly in the heavens.
Latin Proverb
Obedience is the mother of happiness.
Latin Proverb
Obey orders, if you break owners.
Latin Proverb
Occupy yourself, and you will be out of harm's way.
Latin Proverb
Of no sort of good to himself, or to anybody else.
Latin Proverb
Offer not the right hand of friendship to every one.
Latin Proverb
If there were clouds we should not enjoy the sun.
Latin Proverb
If you cannot drive an ox, drive a donkey.
Latin Proverb
Ignorance is not privileged by titular degrees.
Latin Proverb
Ill-doers, ill-deemers.
Latin Proverb
Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution.
Latin Proverb
No thanks attach to a kindness long deferred.
Latin Proverb
Nobility of conduct is a greater recommendation than nobility of birth.
Latin Proverb