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Latin Proverbs - page 30
Honesty with poverty is better than ill-gotten wealth.
Latin Proverb
Pleasure and pain succeed each other.
Latin Proverb
Pleasure is often the introduction to pain.
Latin Proverb
Pleasure is the bait of evil.
Latin Proverb
Pleasure often comes from pain.
Latin Proverb
Poor though in the midst of wealth.
Latin Proverb
Possessions dwindle: I mourn their loss. But I mourn the loss of time much more, for anyone can save his purse, but none can win back lost time.
Latin Proverb
Potter envies potter, and smith smith.
Latin Proverb
Poverty is death in another form.
Latin Proverb
Poverty makes a man mean.
Latin Proverb
Poverty shows us who are our friends and who our enemies.
Latin Proverb
Honey catches more flies than vinegar.
Latin Proverb
Hope gives strength and courage, and saves an otherwise dying man from his grave.
Latin Proverb
Oppose not a hungry man.
Latin Proverb
Oppression causeth rebellion.
Latin Proverb
Our pillow should be our counsellor.
Latin Proverb
Out of nothing nothing comes.
Latin Proverb
Overdoing is doing nothing to the purpose.
Latin Proverb
Pain past is pleasure.
Latin Proverb
Hunger sweetens everything but itself.
Latin Proverb
Hunger teaches us many a lesson.
Latin Proverb
I am recommending you to do what I should do myself.
Latin Proverb