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Latin Proverbs - page 3
Consider how long the winter will last.
Latin Proverb
Covet not the property of others.
Latin Proverb
Those who see the faults of others, and see not their own, are wise for others and fools for themselves.
Latin Proverb
There is a time for all things.
Latin Proverb
There is a good time coming.
Latin Proverb
There is a skeleton in every house.
Latin Proverb
The rough manners of the vulgar are contagious.
Latin Proverb
The sacrifice of an ox will not bring us all we want.
Latin Proverb
The smoke of our own country is brighter than fire abroad.
Latin Proverb
Everybody has a name, but not always the same luck with it.
Latin Proverb
Excess of delight palls the appetite.
Latin Proverb
The antidote before the poison.
Latin Proverb
Silence is the greatest ornament in a woman.
Latin Proverb
Silence is the voice of complicity.
Latin Proverb
Silence is wisdom and gets a man friends.
Latin Proverb
Sing before breakfast, cry before night.
Latin Proverb
So ends all earthly glory.
Latin Proverb
Soft speeches injure not the mouth of the speaker.
Latin Proverb
He who knows not how to employ his leisure hath more cares on his mind than the most busy of busily-engaged men.
Latin Proverb
Hitherto I gave you credit for having horns.
Latin Proverb
Holyday time will not last forever.
Latin Proverb
Home is home, be it ever so humble.
Latin Proverb