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Latin Proverbs - page 27
He is the best gentleman, who is the son of his own deserts.
Latin Proverb
He is wise in vain who does not use his wisdom for his own advantage.
Latin Proverb
He is wise to no purpose, who is not wise for himself.
Latin Proverb
He moistens the lips, but leaves the palate dry.
Latin Proverb
Sing not of triumph before the victory.
Latin Proverb
Sleep not in time of peril.
Latin Proverb
He seeks renown by public applause.
Latin Proverb
He seeks to live like a parasite.
Latin Proverb
He should have a long spoon who sups with the devil.
Latin Proverb
He talks to a dead man.
Latin Proverb
He that follows freits, freits will follow him.
Latin Proverb
Satiety has killed more men than hunger.
Latin Proverb
Seek not the rose which is once lost.
Latin Proverb
Self-praise is no recommendation.
Latin Proverb
Servants differ as their masters.
Latin Proverb
She only is chaste, who is chaste where there is no danger of detection: she who does not, because she may not, does.
Latin Proverb
Shit rolls downhill.
Latin Proverb
Short cuts are long ways round.
Latin Proverb
He thinks nothing right, but what he does himself.
Latin Proverb
He took care to enjoy himself as long as life lasted.
Latin Proverb
He unravels the enigmas of the Sphinx.
Latin Proverb
He who cannot do what he wishes, must needs do as he can.
Latin Proverb