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Latin Proverbs - page 25
The avenging gods have their feet clothed in wool.
Latin Proverb
The bad refrain from sin from fear of punishment.
Latin Proverb
The beginning is half of the whole.
Latin Proverb
The best things are the first to perish.
Latin Proverb
Have confidence, but beware in whom.
Latin Proverb
He argues in vain who argues without means.
Latin Proverb
He assumes a cheerful countenance suppressing the grief which weighs heavily on his heart.
Latin Proverb
He can carry the ox who has carried the calf.
Latin Proverb
He catches the wind with a net.
Latin Proverb
He does not think small beer of himself.
Latin Proverb
Talk of the devil and he'll appear.
Latin Proverb
Taught in the same school.
Latin Proverb
Teach an eagle to fly, a dolphin to swim.
Latin Proverb
That country will I call mine which supports me, not that which gave me birth.
Latin Proverb
That fair face will as years roll on lose its beauty, and old age will bring its wrinkles to the brow.
Latin Proverb
That which is beyond our reach is nothing to us.
Latin Proverb
That which is deferred is not abandoned.
Latin Proverb
That which is his lot to-day may be yours to-morrow.
Latin Proverb
He even begrudges the water with which he washes.
Latin Proverb
He fears the very flies.
Latin Proverb
He fights with spirit as well as with the sword.
Latin Proverb
He fishes well who uses a golden hook.
Latin Proverb