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Latin Proverbs - page 24
The end justifies the means.
Latin Proverb
The evil is lessened when it is seen beforehand.
Latin Proverb
The faded rose No suitor knows.
Latin Proverb
Glory is the shadow of virtue.
Latin Proverb
Good debts become bad unless called in.
Latin Proverb
Good health and good sense are two great blessings.
Latin Proverb
Govern your passions, or they will govern you.
Latin Proverb
Grind with every wind.
Latin Proverb
Habit causes love.
Latin Proverb
The blind would lead the blind.
Latin Proverb
The blow falls more lightly when it is anticipated.
Latin Proverb
The bones for those who come late.
Latin Proverb
The challenger is beaten.
Latin Proverb
The cobbler should not go beyond his last.
Latin Proverb
Habit is second nature.
Latin Proverb
Happiness invites envy.
Latin Proverb
Happy is the man who is out of debt.
Latin Proverb
Hard by a river he digs a well.
Latin Proverb
Have a care not to commence an undertaking of which you may repent.
Latin Proverb
Have a care of a silent dog and a still water.
Latin Proverb
That which is wanting in some respects, may be made up for in others.
Latin Proverb
That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly.
Latin Proverb