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Latin Proverbs - page 20
The wolf dances round the well.
Latin Proverb
The work tests the workman.
Latin Proverb
The workmanship surpassed the material.
Latin Proverb
There grows not the herb, which can protect against the power of death.
Latin Proverb
There is a black sheep in every flock.
Latin Proverb
There is a time and place for everything.
Latin Proverb
England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity.
Latin Proverb
Enough, even to loathing.
Latin Proverb
Envy no man.
Latin Proverb
Even a boy can beat a man when bound.
Latin Proverb
The reward of silence is certain.
Latin Proverb
The same shoe does not fit every foot.
Latin Proverb
The skin of a lion covering some mongrel beast.
Latin Proverb
The swans will not sing till the jackdaws are quiet.
Latin Proverb
The tale is marred in the telling.
Latin Proverb
The tears of an heir are laughter under a mask.
Latin Proverb
Even a mangy camel will carry more that a herd of asses.
Latin Proverb
Even a straw becomes heavy, if you carry it far enough.
Latin Proverb
Even Jupiter himself cannot be in love and wise at the same time.
Latin Proverb
Even light takes a decade to travel ten light-years.
Latin Proverb
Even the ant hath its anger.
Latin Proverb
Even the fountains thirst.
Latin Proverb