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Latin Proverbs - page 18
Confound those who have anticipated us in what we would have said.
Latin Proverb
Consideration gets as many victories as rashness loses.
Latin Proverb
Contrasts mutually set off each other.
Latin Proverb
Conversation ministers to a mind diseased.
Latin Proverb
Things rumoured lessen in importance as they assume reality.
Latin Proverb
Think first and speak afterwards.
Latin Proverb
This grief will prove a blessing.
Latin Proverb
Though living, dead for all useful purposes.
Latin Proverb
Three women will make as much noise as a market.
Latin Proverb
Time flies with hasty step.
Latin Proverb
Cultivate the garden within.
Latin Proverb
Danger can never by overcome without taking risks.
Latin Proverb
Death defies the doctor.
Latin Proverb
Death is common to all.
Latin Proverb
Death to the wolf is life to the lambs.
Latin Proverb
Deliberation often loses a good chance.
Latin Proverb
Desire nothing that would bring disgrace.
Latin Proverb
Desire of glory is the last garment that even wise men put off.
Latin Proverb
They build houses but shall not inhabit them.
Latin Proverb
They can do least who boast loudest.
Latin Proverb
They cease to be friends who dwell afar off.
Latin Proverb
They limit their expenditure where it is not needed, and are ever lavish of that of which they should be sparing.
Latin Proverb