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Latin Proverbs - page 12
Wine brings forth the truth.
Latin Proverb
Wine carries no rudder.
Latin Proverb
Wine gladdeneth the heart of man.
Latin Proverb
Wine is one thing, drunkenness another.
Latin Proverb
Wine mars beauty and destroys the freshness of youth.
Latin Proverb
With one hand he scratches you, and with the other he strikes you.
Latin Proverb
A snake lies concealed in the grass.
Latin Proverb
A store-house of evil is a woman if she is depraved.
Latin Proverb
A strong remedy for evils is ignorance of them.
Latin Proverb
A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; but a swarm in July is not worth a fly.
Latin Proverb
A tree often transplanted does not thrive.
Latin Proverb
Wherein have I erred? What have I done?
Latin Proverb
Wherever a man dwells, he shall be sure to have a thorn-bush near his door.
Latin Proverb
Whether he will or no.
Latin Proverb
While avoiding the smoke I have fallen into the flame.
Latin Proverb
While life lasts let us enjoy it.
Latin Proverb
Who aims at things beyond his reach, the greater will be his fall.
Latin Proverb
Who timidly requests invites refusal.
Latin Proverb
A well which is drawn from is improved.
Latin Proverb
A whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men.
Latin Proverb
A white glove often conceals a dirty hand.
Latin Proverb
A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand.
Latin Proverb