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Latin Proverbs - page 10
A hungry ass needs not a blow.
Latin Proverb
A hungry man will listen to nothing.
Latin Proverb
A jealous woman will set a whole house on fire.
Latin Proverb
A kindness bestowed on the good is never thrown away.
Latin Proverb
A king or a slave.
Latin Proverb
You give the wolf the wether to keep.
Latin Proverb
You harp perpetually on the same string.
Latin Proverb
You have hit the point exactly.
Latin Proverb
You have spoilt the wine by adding water to it.
Latin Proverb
You hold an eel by the tail.
Latin Proverb
You kick against the goad.
Latin Proverb
You make an elephant of a mouse.
Latin Proverb
You may as well talk to the sea-shore.
Latin Proverb
You may judge a man by his countenance.
Latin Proverb
A letter once written cannot be recalled.
Latin Proverb
A light supper is beneficial.
Latin Proverb
A man devoid of religion is like a horse without a bridle.
Latin Proverb
A man in a passion rides a horse that runs away with him.
Latin Proverb
A man of few words but learned withal.
Latin Proverb
You are teaching iron to swim.
Latin Proverb
You are what you eat.
Latin Proverb
You ask the path when the high road is before your eyes.
Latin Proverb