Proverbs around the world
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Latin Proverbs
Time discloses the truth.
Latin Proverb
A clear conscience laughs at false rumors.
Latin Proverb
The eagle does not catch flies.
Latin Proverb
Ignorance of the law does not excuse.
Latin Proverb
Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Latin Proverb
Truth conquers all.
Latin Proverb
Truth breeds hatred, while flattery brings friends.
Latin Proverb
Remember that you are going to die.
Latin Proverb
Audaces fortuna iuvat.
Latin Proverb
The doctor is to be feared more than the disease.
Latin Proverb
I came, I saw, I won.
Latin Proverb
Medicine is the noblest of all arts.
Latin Proverb
Rest is the best medicine.
Latin Proverb
The stupid fear fortune, the wise endure it.
Latin Proverb
Even after a bad harvest there must be sowing.
Latin Proverb
Never give a child a sword.
Latin Proverb
You teach the dolphin to swim!
Latin Proverb
"One hand washes the other.”.
Latin Proverb
When you will, they wont, when you wont, they will.
Latin Proverb
Where bees are, there is honey.
Latin Proverb
Where curiosity is not the purveyor, detraction will soon be starved.
Latin Proverb
Where the carcase is, there will the vultures be.
Latin Proverb