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Italian Proverbs - page 25
Women rouge that they may not blush.
Italian Proverb
One devil drives out another.
Italian Proverb
The best is the cheapest.
Italian Proverb
Who pays beforehand is served behindhand.
Italian Proverb
Much smoke, and little roast.
Italian Proverb
Not all that shakes falls.
Italian Proverb
Who has not is not.
Italian Proverb
Women, priests, and poultry, never have enough.
Italian Proverb
Speak when you are spoken to.
Italian Proverb
The light is painful to sore eyes.
Italian Proverb
The full cask makes no noise.
Italian Proverb
Three know it, all know it.
Italian Proverb
Illness tells us what we are.
Italian Proverb
Never judge a book by its cover.
Italian Proverb
Temperance is the best medicine.
Italian Proverb
The Trojans were wise too late.
Italian Proverb
Through being too knowing the fox lost his tail.
Italian Proverb
Only a fool asks, "What do you want with my wife?”.
Italian Proverb
It is not necessary to fish up every bucket that falls into the well.
Italian Proverb
If pride were a disease, how many would be already dead?
Italian Proverb
When ill-luck falls asleep let nobody wake her.
Italian Proverb
The man who lives only by hope will die with despair.
Italian Proverb