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Italian Proverbs - page 23
He that is drunk is gone from home.
Italian Proverb
He may lie safely who comes from afar.
Italian Proverb
Believe a boaster as you would a liar.
Italian Proverb
He that will not strive in this world should not have come into it.
Italian Proverb
Go early to market and as late as you can to battle.
Italian Proverb
Even the fool says a wise word sometimes.
Italian Proverb
Beat the rogue and he will be your friend.
Italian Proverb
All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of yesterday.
Italian Proverb
He that never fails never grows rich.
Italian Proverb
Error is no payment.
Italian Proverb
Every glowworm is not a fire.
Italian Proverb
He who knows nothing never doubts.
Italian Proverb
All saints do not work miracles.
Italian Proverb
He that wants should not be bashful.
Italian Proverb
A good anvil fears no hammer.
Italian Proverb
By night all cats are black.
Italian Proverb
Dirty water does not wash clean.
Italian Proverb
Any water will put out fire.
Italian Proverb
He who praises himself befouls himself.
Italian Proverb
A mad parish, a mad priest.
Italian Proverb
He is a good dog who goes to church.
Italian Proverb
Every one likes justice in another's house, none in his own.
Italian Proverb