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Italian Proverbs - page 20
Into the mouth of a wolf.
Italian Proverb
Never want while your neighbor has it.
Italian Proverb
He who gives bread to others' dogs is often barked at by his own.
Italian Proverb
Every man is nearest himself.
Italian Proverb
Nevertheless, it moves.
Italian Proverb
Tell your secret to your friend and he will set his foot on your neck.
Italian Proverb
The person who offends writes as if it was written on sand, and the person who is offended reads it as if it were written on marble.
Italian Proverb
Who goes slowly, goes wisely, and who goes wisely, goes far.
Italian Proverb
He who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.
Italian Proverb
To trust is good; not to trust is better.
Italian Proverb
He who scrubs the head of an ass wastes his soap.
Italian Proverb
The ass does not know the worth of this tail till he has lost it.
Italian Proverb
Dogs bark at hose they don't know.
Italian Proverb
He who suspects is seldom at fault.
Italian Proverb
It's a good answer that knows when to stop.
Italian Proverb
Not every truth is good to be told.
Italian Proverb
People get the government they deserve.
Italian Proverb
He who does many bad deeds can expect a big one in return.
Italian Proverb
Plenty makes daintiness.
Italian Proverb
Bend the tree while it is young.
Italian Proverb
He who teaches often learns himself.
Italian Proverb
The remedy is often worse than the disease.
Italian Proverb