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Italian Proverbs - page 14
From those I trust God guard me, from those I mistrust I will guard myself.
Italian Proverb
Gifts are often losses.
Italian Proverb
The dog that means to bite don't bark.
Italian Proverb
The donkey won't drink if he can't see water.
Italian Proverb
The elephant does not feel a flea-bite.
Italian Proverb
Gluttony kills more than the sword.
Italian Proverb
Go softly at bad bits of road.
Italian Proverb
The cheat always lies at the feet of the cheated.
Italian Proverb
The company makes the feast.
Italian Proverb
The dog barks and the ox feeds.
Italian Proverb
The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow.
Italian Proverb
The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merryman.
Italian Proverb
The best trees are the most beaten.
Italian Proverb
The bucket goes so often to the well that it leaves its handle there.
Italian Proverb
The buckets take to fighting with the well, and get their heads broken.
Italian Proverb
Great smoke, little roast.
Italian Proverb
Grief pent up will burst the heart.
Italian Proverb
Half a brain is enough for him who says little.
Italian Proverb
That crown is well spent which saves you ten.
Italian Proverb
That suit is best that best fits me.
Italian Proverb
The beggar's wallet has no bottom.
Italian Proverb
Hatred renewed is worse than at first.
Italian Proverb