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Irish Proverbs - page 22
Many a white collar covers a dirty neck.
Irish Proverb
Many an honest heart beats under a ragged coat.
Irish Proverb
Marriages are all happy; its having breakfast together that causes all the trouble.
Irish Proverb
May your neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you.
Irish Proverb
More hair than tit, like a mountain heifer.
Irish Proverb
Nature breaks through the eyes of the cat.
Irish Proverb
Nature shines through the cat's eyes.
Irish Proverb
Never give cherries to pigs or advice to fools.
Irish Proverb
Never buy bread from a butcher.
Irish Proverb
No forcing the sea.
Irish Proverb
No matter how tall your grandfather was, you have to do your own growing.
Irish Proverb
No time for your health today, will result in no health for your time tomorrow.
Irish Proverb
No-one is ever poor who has the sight of his eyes and the use of his feet.
Irish Proverb
One eye in the corner is sharper than two about the house.
Irish Proverb
One pair of good soles is worth two pairs of upper leathers.
Irish Proverb
Only the rich can afford compassion.
Irish Proverb
Pains and patience would take a snail to america.
Irish Proverb
Poor is the church without music.
Irish Proverb
Postpone not a good action.
Irish Proverb
Poverty is no shame.
Irish Proverb
Praise undeserved is satire in disguise.
Irish Proverb
Proverbs cannot be contradicted.
Irish Proverb