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Irish Proverbs - page 15
That's a spoon ye'll sup sorrow with yet.
Irish Proverb
Marry a mountain girl and you marry the whole mountain.
Irish Proverb
It is not a secret if it is known by three people.
Irish Proverb
A cabin with plenty of food is better than a hungry castle.
Irish Proverb
The full person does not understand the needs of the hungry.
Irish Proverb
Nodding the head does not row the boat.
Irish Proverb
A buckle is a great addition to an old shoe.
Irish Proverb
The thief is no danger to the beggar.
Irish Proverb
You'll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
Irish Proverb
A narrow neck keeps the bottle from being emptied in one swig.
Irish Proverb
You must cut your coat according to your cloth.
Irish Proverb
Soft words butter no parsnips, but they won't harden the heart of the cabbage either.
Irish Proverb
The person who doesn't scatter the morning dew will not comb gray hairs.
Irish Proverb
Quiet people are well able to look after themselves.
Irish Proverb
Nature will come through the claws, and the hound will follow the hare.
Irish Proverb
There's many a ship lost within sight of harbour.
Irish Proverb
‘Tis as hard to see a woman cry, as a goose go barefoot.
Irish Proverb
Anything is better than a bad marriage.
Irish Proverb
Good care takes the head off bad luck.
Irish Proverb
If the cat sits long enough at the hole, she will catch the mouse.
Irish Proverb
I'll go there tonight for evening is speedier than morning.
Irish Proverb
Many a defect is seen in the poor man.
Irish Proverb