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Hungarian Proverbs - page 4
The soul is retained in it only by the prayer.
Hungarian Proverb
He is afraid of it, as the devil fears holy water or incense.
Hungarian Proverb
He owed the devil a journey.
Hungarian Proverb
Nice words appease even the enemy.
Hungarian Proverb
We have seen a hare, we shall have no luck.
Hungarian Proverb
He plays with open cards.
Hungarian Proverb
He would even lie, there is no star in the sky.
Hungarian Proverb
Tell the truth, and people will bash in your head.
Hungarian Proverb
He who slowly gets angry will stay angry for a long time.
Hungarian Proverb
There is no coat big enough to hide both poverty and drunkenness.
Hungarian Proverb
The wife of a careless man is almost a widow.
Hungarian Proverb
The crowd is not led by the head but by the heart.
Hungarian Proverb
Better dry bread in peacetime than meat in wartime.
Hungarian Proverb
Bargain like a gypsy, but pay like a gentleman.
Hungarian Proverb
An ox remains an ox, even if driven to Vienna.
Hungarian Proverb
In the long run even a dog will compromise with the cat.
Hungarian Proverb
Adam ate the apple, and our teeth still ache.
Hungarian Proverb
A puff of wind and popular praise weigh alike.
Hungarian Proverb
A prudent man does not make the goat his gardener.
Hungarian Proverb
If it's God's will the broom will lose its handle.
Hungarian Proverb
I can chew for you, my child, but you must swallow by yourself.
Hungarian Proverb
Blushing is the paint of good habits.
Hungarian Proverb