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Hungarian Proverbs - page 16
He that is afraid of water, will not get into the boat.
Hungarian Proverb
He that lies also steals.
Hungarian Proverb
He that seeks, finds.
Hungarian Proverb
It is not good to eat cherries from the same dish with persons of high rank.
Hungarian Proverb
It will be what will be.
Hungarian Proverb
It will soon show which milk will yield a good curd.
Hungarian Proverb
It's easy to take Kati to the dance, if she is also willing.
Hungarian Proverb
It's hard to dance in chains.
Hungarian Proverb
Knowledge is power.
Hungarian Proverb
He was carved of hard wood.
Hungarian Proverb
He was snatched by the belt.
Hungarian Proverb
He who cannot speak Arabic, should not speak Arabic.
Hungarian Proverb
He who climbs high, has a great fall.
Hungarian Proverb
He who comes late gets bones for lunch.
Hungarian Proverb
He who does not collect in summer, will heat little in winter.
Hungarian Proverb
It is below the bottom of a frog.
Hungarian Proverb
It is better to ask twice than to err once.
Hungarian Proverb
It is better to give than to receive.
Hungarian Proverb
It is easy to push a cart drawn by twelve oxen.
Hungarian Proverb
It is like throwing bur on a gourd.
Hungarian Proverb
It is made as the stool of St. Lucy's day.
Hungarian Proverb
He who greets with a stick, will be answered with a club.
Hungarian Proverb