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Greek Proverbs - page 5
He who plunders with a little boat is a pirate; he who plunders with a fleet is a conqueror.
Greek Proverb
When you go to bed with a clear head, you will not get up with a headache.
Greek Proverb
Someone with an unrelenting heart is his own executioner.
Greek Proverb
Never consult a doctor who has never been ill himself.
Greek Proverb
He who is born in jail loves jail.
Greek Proverb
Empty barrels and insignificant people always make the most noise.
Greek Proverb
Sharing the figs can leave you with none at all.
Greek Proverb
He who eats and drinks with the rich leaves the table hungry.
Greek Proverb
Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it.
Greek Proverb
If you wish to be good, first believe that you are bad.
Greek Proverb
Death is never at a loss for occasions.
Greek Proverb
Great birth is a very poor dish at table.
Greek Proverb
One witness one liar; more witnesses, all liars.
Greek Proverb
Men who have lost heart never yet won a trophy.
Greek Proverb
If you cannot catch a fish, do not blame the sea.
Greek Proverb
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.
Greek Proverb
If all the bees made honey, there would be enough for even gypsies to eat.
Greek Proverb
Gray hair is a sign of age, not of wisdom.
Greek Proverb
The fox that waits until the chicken falls from the perch dies from hunger.
Greek Proverb
Many men know how to flatter, few men know how to praise.
Greek Proverb
Give me today and you may keep tomorrow.
Greek Proverb
You know who the good seamen are when the storm comes.
Greek Proverb