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German Proverbs - page 8
Great oaks from little acorns grow.
German Proverb
The husband's mother is the wife's devil.
German Proverb
Half a house is half a hell.
German Proverb
Happy is the one who forgets that which cannot be changed.
German Proverb
Hasten at leisure.
German Proverb
Hat in hand goes through the land.
German Proverb
He is a bad shot who cannot find an excuse.
German Proverb
He is a bad workman who cannot talk of work.
German Proverb
The devil looks after his own.
German Proverb
He that has lost his credit is dead to the world.
German Proverb
The cats that drive away mice are as food as those that catch them.
German Proverb
He that would stop everybody's mouth needs plenty of flour.
German Proverb
He who buys what he don't want, will soon sell what he does want.
German Proverb
He who cannot help, may hinder.
German Proverb
The bites of priests and wolves are hard to heal.
German Proverb
The anvil is not afraid of the hammer.
German Proverb
He who grasps too much lets much fall.
German Proverb
He who has lost his freedom has nothing else to lose.
German Proverb
Sweet song has betrayed many.
German Proverb
He who is his own teacher has a fool for his pupil.
German Proverb
Spend not, where you may save; spare not, where you must spend.
German Proverb
He who lies on the ground must expect to be trodden on.
German Proverb