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German Proverbs - page 74
If you do not tickle yourself, there is no one else who will laugh for you.
German Proverb
Strauss, Emanuel (1994). Dictionary of European proverbs (Volume 2 ed.). Routledge. p. 600. ISBN 0415096243.
German Proverb
When a friend asks, tomorrow does not count.
German Proverb
When everyone is a lord, who brings the dung out of the stable?
German Proverb
When God's hand wants to punish, it first takes the sanity.
German Proverb
Who trusts in God has built well.
German Proverb
Who by fleeing might save himself, may again come before the hatch.
German Proverb
He that steals a calf steals a cow.
German Proverb
What isn't yet can still become.
German Proverb
What pay, such work.
German Proverb
Knowledge is power.
German Proverb
If you say A, you have to say B as well.
German Proverb
If the horseman is bad, it's the horse's fault.
German Proverb
Where the fence is lowest, everyone jumps over.
German Proverb
Wherever God buys a church, the devil builds a chapel alongside.
German Proverb
Where there is no temptation there is no glory.
German Proverb
"Must" is a bitter herb.
German Proverb
A burnt child dreads the fire.
German Proverb
You cannot hang a man for what he thinks.
German Proverb
A hungry belly has no ears.
German Proverb
Who would wish to be valued must make himself scarce.
German Proverb
A second woman has golden thighs.
German Proverb