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German Proverbs - page 73
One cannot change nature.
German Proverb
One must accept things as they come.
German Proverb
One shouldn't sell the bear's fur before one has killed him.
German Proverb
One shouldn't praise the day before the evening.
German Proverb
With honey one catches flies.
German Proverb
Caught together, hanged together.
German Proverb
Nature comes before teaching.
German Proverb
The night brings counsel.
German Proverb
To pour oil into fire.
German Proverb
to give even the devil his right.
German Proverb
A steady dripping will carve the stone.
German Proverb
Shoemaker, stick to your trade.
German Proverb
Do not play with fire.
German Proverb
Still waters begin stinking.
German Proverb
Forbidden fruit tastes the best.
German Proverb
From big blocks one chops big pieces.
German Proverb
Much knowledge creates headache.
German Proverb
Many trades spoil the master.
German Proverb
What you want to keep a secret, tell no one.
German Proverb
What is good returns.
German Proverb
The one whom the piglet is offered must keep the sack ready.
German Proverb
He who can't be advised, can also not be helped.
German Proverb