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German Proverbs - page 7
Thrift is a great revenue.
German Proverb
Even a hair casts its shadow.
German Proverb
Ever one hair, only one, and the man is bald at last.
German Proverb
Every hare may pluck the dead lion's mane.
German Proverb
There's nowt so queer as folk.
German Proverb
There's seldom a cake but there's more of the make.
German Proverb
Those bosoms can be sold cheapest which are stolen ready-made.
German Proverb
There is no law but has a hole in it, for those who can find it out.
German Proverb
Everybody knows best where his own shoe pinches.
German Proverb
Everything would be well were there not a "but.”.
German Proverb
The worse the dun, the worst the paymaster.
German Proverb
The treason is loved, the traitor hated.
German Proverb
The will is the soul of the work.
German Proverb
Fools refuse favors.
German Proverb
The silent dog is always the first to bite.
German Proverb
Fortune give many too much, but no one enough.
German Proverb
Fortune gives her hand to a bold man.
German Proverb
The narrower the cage, the sweeter the liberty.
German Proverb
God is everywhere, except where he has a delegate.
German Proverb
God's friends, the priest's foe.
German Proverb
The late comer is ill lodged.
German Proverb
The miller's hen and widower's maid, of want need never be afraid.
German Proverb