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French Proverbs - page 58
You can cage a bird but you can't make it sing.
French Proverb
Women believe the strangest of lies as long as they are wrapped up in praise.
French Proverb
You cannot make a hawk of a buzzard.
French Proverb
When the tree is down everybody runs to the branches.
French Proverb
You cannot make a beautiful plumage out of a pig's tail.
French Proverb
Who spits against the wind spits in his own face.
French Proverb
You cannot have the bacon and the pig at the same time.
French Proverb
You must not throw stones into your neighbor's garden.
French Proverb
You cannot get oil out of a wall.
French Proverb
You cannot be very smart if you have never done anything foolish.
French Proverb
He who takes a wife takes a master.
French Proverb
The bad man thinks that everybody looks like him.
French Proverb
Small wells are better to quench your thirst.
French Proverb
One has always strength enough to bear the misfortunes of one's friends.
French Proverb
Not until the tree is felled can you see how tall it was.
French Proverb
Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be cooked together but they will never be tender.
French Proverb
Many are esteemed, only because they are not known.
French Proverb
A good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind.
French Proverb
A person's reputation is like his shadow-sometimes it follows and sometimes it precedes him; and sometimes it is smaller and sometimes it is bigger than he is.
French Proverb
A small fire that warms you is better than a large one that burns you.
French Proverb
A white Christmas fills the churchyard.
French Proverb
A wise fox will never rob his neighbour's hen roost.
French Proverb