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French Proverbs - page 57
One does not always hit what one aims at.
French Proverb
Loving with the eyes only, has blinded a lot of fools.
French Proverb
It is the master-wheel that makes the mill go round.
French Proverb
It is loving too much to die of love.
French Proverb
It is always well to keep hold of your horse's bridle.
French Proverb
However treacherous the sea may be, women are still more so.
French Proverb
He who waits for another man's trencher often dines in imagination.
French Proverb
He who holds the handle of the frying-pan turns it as he pleases.
French Proverb
You don't have to kill the chicken to get eggs.
French Proverb
Why hide from God what the saints already know?
French Proverb
Who draws his sword against his prince must throw away his scabbard.
French Proverb
Who does not venture gets neither horse nor mule, and who ventures too much lose horse and mule.
French Proverb
You do not always have to believe what you see.
French Proverb
Work relieves us from three great evils, boredom, vice, and want.
French Proverb
Youth lives on hope, old age on remembrance.
French Proverb
You cannot satisfy the whole world and your father.
French Proverb
Whosoever draws his sword against the prince must throw the scabbard away.
French Proverb
You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.
French Proverb
Whoever rubs himself with garlic will not smell of cloves.
French Proverb
Whilst the dogs are growling at each other the wolf devours the sheep.
French Proverb
Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.
French Proverb
Where there is nothing the king loses his rights.
French Proverb