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French Proverbs - page 51
He is a very bad manager of honey who leaves nothing to lick off his fingers.
French Proverb
Upon a slight pretext the wolf takes the sheep.
French Proverb
The hen's eyes are with her chickens.
French Proverb
The sun shines for all the world.
French Proverb
When the friar's beaten, then comes James.
French Proverb
Whoso hath land hath war.
French Proverb
You cannot make bricks without straw.
French Proverb
The ill year comes in swimming.
French Proverb
The most lasting monuments are doubtless paper-monuments.
French Proverb
When the woman wants something God quakes.
French Proverb
Who lives will see.
French Proverb
Small brooks make big rivers.
French Proverb
Stolen bread stirs the appetite.
French Proverb
The best driver will sometimes upset.
French Proverb
The eagle does not hunt flies.
French Proverb
The kettle smuts the frying-pan.
French Proverb
There is no flying without wings.
French Proverb
We are all a long time dead.
French Proverb
Why keep a dog and bark yourself?
French Proverb
You know a person by his nickname.
French Proverb
Stolen fruit is sweet.
French Proverb
The last come is the best liked.
French Proverb