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French Proverbs - page 50
Ready money works great cures.
French Proverb
He'll laugh well that laughs longest.
French Proverb
For the last-comer the bones.
French Proverb
He is rich enough who owes nothing.
French Proverb
Laziness is often mistaken for patience.
French Proverb
He that telleth his wife news is but lately married.
French Proverb
He needs say nothing about the score who pays nothing.
French Proverb
He is called clever who cheats and plunders his friend.
French Proverb
He falls on his back and breaks his nose.
French Proverb
What you keep rots; what you give flourishes.
French Proverb
The world is a barrel, for all to draw from.
French Proverb
The nearer the minster the later to mass.
French Proverb
The Germans carry their wit in their fingers.
French Proverb
The Emperor of Germany is the king of kings, the King of Spain king of men, the King of France king of asses, the King of England king of devils.
French Proverb
A churl knows not the work of spurs.
French Proverb
So many mists in March, so many frosts in May.
French Proverb
One tale is good till another is told.
French Proverb
One man alone is prey to the wolf.
French Proverb
If your head is made of butter, don't be a baker.
French Proverb
He who listens at doors hears more than he desires.
French Proverb
He who has everything is content with nothing.
French Proverb
He who caresses thee more than the occasion justifies, has either deceived thee or intends it.
French Proverb