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French Proverbs - page 5
Everything goes by favour and cousinship.
French Proverb
Everything may be bought except day and night.
French Proverb
The first half of life is spent in longing for the second, the second half in regretting the first.
French Proverb
The fool cuts himself with his own knife.
French Proverb
Foxes come at last to the furrier's.
French Proverb
The chicken that crows the loudest does not always give the biggest eggs.
French Proverb
The communal donkey gets the heaviest burden.
French Proverb
The big fish eat the little ones.
French Proverb
He gains enough who loses sorrow.
French Proverb
He may lie boldly who comes from afar.
French Proverb
He who rides the mule shoes her.
French Proverb
He who sows thistles reaps thorns.
French Proverb
He that spares vice wrongs virtue.
French Proverb
Honey in the mouth, bile in the heart.
French Proverb
Honour blossoms on the grave.
French Proverb
Hope is the dream of a soul awake.
French Proverb
Nothing is such a heavy burden as a secret is.
French Proverb
I never saw an oft-removed tree, nor yet an oft-removed family, that throve so well as one that settled be.
French Proverb
If wishes would bide, beggars would ride.
French Proverb
Not every dog that barks bites.
French Proverb
Not every one that dances is glad.
French Proverb
If you want to keep your credit you must use it as little as possible.
French Proverb