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French Proverbs - page 48
Good nature without prudence is foolishness.
French Proverb
He who has drunk will drink.
French Proverb
Let him that itches scratch himself.
French Proverb
Love Bertrand love his dog.
French Proverb
Money makes money.
French Proverb
Nip sin in the bud.
French Proverb
No one became poor by giving alms.
French Proverb
Too late to grieve when the chance is past.
French Proverb
The word of honour of a gentleman--another pledge would be better.
French Proverb
The friendship of a great man is like the shadow of a bush -- soon gone.
French Proverb
The early riser is healthy, cheerful and industrious.
French Proverb
Take heed of an ox before, an ass behind, and a monk on all sides.
French Proverb
One should choose a wife with the ears, rather than with the eyes.
French Proverb
One candle for St. Michael, and another for his devil.
French Proverb
No one ever saw a goat dead of hunger.
French Proverb
It would be a very big book that contained all the maybes uttered in a day.
French Proverb
If you wrestle with a collier you will get a blotch.
French Proverb
Help you to salt, help you to sorrow.
French Proverb
He does not guard himself well who is not always on his guard.
French Proverb
When one is dead, it is for a long while.
French Proverb
Wedlock rides in the saddle and repentance on the crupper.
French Proverb
Unstringing the bow does not cure the wound.
French Proverb